Monday, July 22, 2013

Look at My Bracelet, Man!

Come on...he's so cute! His name is Button and he is home from school today because he is recovering from chicken pox.  At the end of the day, Kiara passed out bracelets made by an MJC trunk keeper's children and boy were they excited!  All the bracelets were unique and the children were all desperately explaining to me why their bracelet was most special.
The first stop today was a quick trip to the paint store, where the proprietor tried to give me the mzungu price for a box of dust masks:  500 shillings when we paid 250 shillings yesterday.  (Swahili lesson for the day: "mzungu" means white person.) I looked at the guy and told him the price we paid yesterday.  And he told me straight-faced "that was a mistake."  What kind of stupid mzungu does he think I am?!  I turned to Phillip, our driver, "Let's go to Khetia (the mini Walmart) and get the masks" and I turned to go.  And, miraculously, the price became 250sh.  Ha!  He won't fool with this mzungu again.  (Yeah...until the next time my mzungu face presents itself in his shop!)
We painted all day.  We made some great progress with help from five women working on the building site, plus my main man Erik, Evans the catch-all-super-handy-man and Judy the house mother.  My clothes are a mess but one wing of the orphanage is primed!
We ate lunch with Judy (pictured here with Kiara) and Erik at the orphanage.  (I had my head wrapped too but I wasn't nearly as cute as Kiara.)   Little Button ate this HUGE plate of beans and rice.  We couldn't believe he would finish it, but he did!  Judy explained the kids who come from the slums just eat and eat and eat when they first arrive. They don't yet believe in the security of their situation and often have an upset stomach for several days.  It must be so hard for a little person who has been so deprived to trust that food will always be on the table.
Tomorrow, my dear friend, Kiara, is leaving me behind!  I will try not to grab her by the leg and beg her not to go, but I can't make any promises.


  1. You are too funny. Crazy Mzungu. What a great experience to make you forget your first world problems. I am loving your blog. Camp is good so far. Rained this morning and now it's pleasant with a bit of moisture. Overall kids are much better behaved this year. Have fun.

  2. Tish--way to whip it into shape. I am just hoping we can keep up with you! ;)
